Summer Diploma Exam Schedule

Safety Protocols for Diploma Exams

To keep students, staff and families healthy during summer school diploma exams in August, safety measures will be in place to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. Please review Metro’s Safety Protocols to understand students, staff and parent expectations.

Summer Diploma Exams are scheduled for August 4-13, 2020. Please review the Diploma Exam Information document which includes Exam Expectations, Diploma Exam Schedule and Writing Centres for each exam. If there are any changes due to public health COVID-19 restrictions, students will be notified by their teachers.

All students are permitted twice the official time limit to write diploma exams, if they need it.

(When this webpage had been published, this spot contained table ID 336, but that table has since been repurposed for another use)

Diploma Exam Details

Students looking to rewrite a diploma exam, and are not enrolled in an Edmonton Public Schools’ Summer School course, are required to register at Bonaventure Gate (Alberta Provincial Writing Centre) through Alberta Education.

Students are expected to attend all summer school courses and to write diploma exams, for the above courses, upon completion of summer school classes. Please plan your holidays accordingly. Adjustments will not be made to examination starting dates.

Students are encouraged to contact their post-secondary institution to request a document deadline extension if they are hoping to use summer courses for fall entry to a university or college. Depending on the year, these document extensions are not always available.

Designated Entrances & Details for Diploma Exams – August 2020

Note: The user needs to be signed into EPSB to view the videos

Writing CentreLocationDesignated EntrancePreview Video
Harry AinlayCafeteriaExit 7 - SouthWest EntranceView
Harry AinlayLibraryExit 7 - SouthWest EntranceView
J. Percy PageSmall GymMain - NorthWest EntranceView
J. Percy PageLarge GymMain - NorthWest EntranceView
Lillian OsborneSmall GymMain - SouthWest EntranceView
Lillian OsborneLarge GymMain - SouthWest EntranceView
M. E. LaZerteSmall GymStaff Parking Lot - North EntranceView
M. E. LaZerteLarge GymMain - South EntranceView
Metro Continuing EducationUpstairs ClassroomsBack Parking Lot - SouthWest EntranceView
Metro Continuing EducationDownstairs ClassroomsBack Parking Lot - NorthWest EntranceView
Queen ElizabethSmall GymStaff Parking Lot - SouthEast EntranceView
Queen ElizabethLarge GymLarge Gym Entrance - SouthWest EntranceView